Definition of Street Arab

1. Noun. (sometimes offensive) a homeless boy who has been abandoned and roams the streets.

Exact synonyms: Gamin, Throwaway
Language type: Depreciation, Derogation, Disparagement
Generic synonyms: Guttersnipe, Street Urchin

Definition of Street Arab

1. Noun. A homeless child who roams the streets, usually begging for handouts; a street urchin. ¹

¹ Source:

Lexicographical Neighbors of Street Arab

street Arab
street address
street addresses
street appeal
street arab
street art
street artist
street child
street cleaner
street clothes
street corner
street cred
street credibility
street dance
street dancer
street dancers
street drug
street elbow
street fighter

Literary usage of Street Arab

Below you will find example usage of this term as found in modern and/or classical literature:

1. How the Other Half Lives: Studies Among the Tenements of New York by Jacob August Riis (1890)
"The street Arab is as much of an institution in New York as Newspaper Ro\v, ... The street Arab has all the faults and all the virtues of the lawless ..."

2. The Social Welfare Forum: Official Proceedings ... Annual Forum by National Conference on Social Welfare, American Social Science Association, Conference of Charities (U.S., Conference of Charities (U.S.), National Conference of Social Work (U.S. (1899)
"I am simply going to give you, in a very few words, some anecdotes of the street Arab of New York, of Chicago, of Baltimore, and of Boston,— the street boy ..."

3. The Social Welfare Forum: Official Proceedings [of The] Annual Meeting by Conference of Charities and Correction (U.S.), National Conference on Social Welfare, American Social Science Association, National Conference of Social Work (U.S.) (1899)
"THE street Arab. AN ADDRESS BY MRS. EE WILLIAMSON. I came to this Conference in New York, this great city, with rather a fear in my heart that it might not ..."

4. Darkness and Daylight; Or, Lights and Shadows of New York Life: A Woman's by Helen Campbell, Thomas Wallace Knox, Thomas Byrnes (1892)
"... street Arab and the Gutter-Snipe — A Curious Mixture of Morality and ... a Perfect Boy"—How a street Arab Went to Yale College — Newsboy Orators — A ..."

5. Proceedings of the National Conference of Charities and Correction, at the by National Conference of Charities and Correction (U.S.). Session (1899)
"I am simply going to give you, in a very few words, some anecdotes of the street Arab of New York, of Chicago, of Baltimore, and of Boston,— the street boy ..."

6. Advanced French Prose Composition by Victor Emmanuel François (1902)
"PART II Dear Friend: EXERCISE XXXVII The Parisian street Arab You will find ... better than my pen can2 do it, the Parisian street Arab. ..."

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